Can you believe it’s time to start a new year already?! I can’t. But ready or not here it is, another year and another growing season! Even though spring is still a few months away here in the high plains, now is the time to plan and gather what we need to have a great start to the growing season when it comes. I don’t know about you, but time seems to go by faster then I think it should!
So, here are a few things we are planning for this year. A kind-of new-year’s resolution list for the garden- if there is such a thing:
– Have cool weather crop seeds ready to plant early
– Start warm weather plants from seed
– Install drip system for watering main garden area.
– Control the weeds more (didn’t do so hot last year)
– Collect growing data
That will probably keep us pretty busy this year. I’m slowly learning that a year really isn’t as long as I think it is. Anyway, probably even more important than listing out what we want to do this year is listing how, or at least an idea how we plan to get it done. So…
Action Items:
– Cool weather crops: We bought a large full year calendar and I’ve put on it planting and seed starting dates. The first seed starting will happen in March, which will be here sooner then I think I’m sure.
– Start seeds: I have a bucket of seeds already, this will take some planning as to which ones I pick, and making sure I have the seeds I need and want.
– Install drip system: This will require work in May. For right now though we can go through the hoses and drippers we want or think we need.
– Control weeds: Last year the weeds got away from us, for a few different reasons, but we really want to try to control them more. Specifically the bull thistle and bindweed which is tough since both are noxious weeds. However there were a few wins which I’ll document in another post and try again more this year.
– Collect data: After listening to different presentations during the Homegrown Food Summitt I’ve decided I really need to get better about recording what we are doing and producing if we are going to make any improvements each season. I think we’ve been doing better, but without hard data it’s hard to say. So this year I’ve started putting together a spreadsheet to make it easy to start recording data when spring comes and we’re in the full swing of things.
There it is. A quick gardening resolutions list of sorts. What things are you planning to do this year?